We trained at the I.N.A. (French National Audiovisual Institute), are members of the Professional Photographers Union and use the digital Leica M to produce our shots as well as fine art printing for our photographs. Following our debut book “Poésea-Des bateaux et des hommes”, I (Karine) was shortlisted to exhibit at the 44th Marine Show at the Musée National de la Marine (Palais de Chaillot, Paris). My work was celebrated by a congratulatory letter from the Chief of Staff of the French Navy, at the suggestion of the 44th Marine Show’s Jury. Since then, our photographs have been exhibited in London and shortlisted by the Juries at the Leica Fotografie International-LFI Gallery and LHSA-The International Leica Society.

Cameras body and opticals :
M11 + Summilux 1 :1,4 / 75 mm
Leica M10 R + Summilux 1 :1,4 / 35 mm aspheric
Digital Printing :
Traceur Canon PRO 2000 (12 colors)
Adobe Photoshop CS6 & Adobe Lightroom 6
44th Navy Lounge, National Museum of the Navy, Palais Chaillot, Paris (France). Exhibition « Escales au Musée – 44ème Salon de la Marine ». February to March 2017.
- Letter of congratulations of the Chief of the staff of the French Navy, on the proposal of the official jury of the 44th Navy Lounge.
- Exhibition catalogue « Escales au Musée – 44ème Salon de la Marine ». Jacques Rohaut, Association des Peintres Officiels de la Marine, 2017. ISBN 978-2-90251-002-3.
© cesm
- The Jury of Leica Fotografie International-LFI Gallery have regularly shortlisted our photographs since January 2019. So, our work has integrated the LFI Gallery and/or the LFI Mastershot Leica M collection (Photographic Fund).
- Leica Fotografie International Challenge – Shortlist “My Picture for the Future” Challenge. September 30th, 2024.
- Viewfinder Magazine Endless Blue by Karine Nowak, issue 56-4, Leica Society International, Dallas (USA). February, 2024
- Jury Member and Chief Guest of the 8ème Renc’Arts, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, July, 2023.
- President of the Jury and Chief Guest of the Salon Art & Marine, Naval Circle of Cherbourg (French Navy), Avril 2023
- Library Jacques Prévert, Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Normandy, France). Exhibition « Bleu Infini ». From January to April, 2022.
- Leica Fotografie International Publication Blog – Looking Back 2021. January 1st, 2022.
- Leica Fotografie International Challenge – Shortlisted Abstract Challenge. May 6th, 2021.
- Leica Fotografie International Publication Blog – A Shortlist Abstract Challenge. May 6th 2021.
- Leica Fotografie International Challenge – Shortlisted for the Black and White Challenge. February 25th, 2020.
- Leica Fotografie International Publication Blog – A Shortlist Black and White Challenge. February 25th, 2020.
- The Jury of LHSA-The Leica International Society have shortlisted our photographs for the “Notre-Dame Photo Project” in 2020.
- Naval Circle of Cherbourg (French Navy) (Normandy, France). Exhibition « Month of Photography 2019 ».
- The Brick Lane Gallery (London, United-Kingdom). Exhibition « Photography Now » from 25th July to 6th August 2017.
- Meeting of Photography « Focales 2017 », Villard de Lans (Rhône-Alpes, France). Exhibition « Poésea ». From May to September, 2017.
- 44th Navy Lounge, National Museum of the Navy, Palais Chaillot, Paris (France). Exhibition « Escales au Musée – 44ème Salon de la Marine ». February to March 2017.
- Exhibition catalogue « Escales au Musée – 44ème Salon de la Marine ». Jacques Rohaut, Association des Peintres Officiels de la Marine, 2017. ISBN 978-2-90251-002-3.
- Naval Circle of Cherbourg (French Navy) (Normandy, France). Exhibition « Month of Photography 2016 », in association with the photographer Alain Gualina.
- Cultural Center Hyppolyte Mars, Équeurdreville (Normandy, France). Exhibition « Poésea-Des bateaux et des hommes ». November, 2015.
- Naval Circle of Cherbourg (French Navy) (Normandy, France). Exhibition « Month of Photography 2015 », in association with the photographer Alain Gualina.
- Leica Fotografie International Blog Entry – Exhibition and Book « Poésea – Des bateaux et des hommes ». February 18th, 2015.
- Book « Poésea – Des bateaux et des hommes » Karine & Serge Nowak Éditions du Cotentin, 2015. ISBN 979-10-90687-14-1. (French language).
- Manoir du Tourp, Omonville la Rogue (Normandy, France). Exhibition « Poésea-Des bateaux et des hommes ». From February to May, 2015. Exhibition extended to June 2015.
- Photographic Festival « 9 photographers, 9 places, 9 days », Chaussenac (Auvergne, France). Exhibition « Vous qui passez sans me voir ». Summer 2011.
- Multimedia Library La Grange, Saint-Paul des Landes (Auvergne, France). Exhibition « Vous qui passez sans me voir ». May, 2011.
- Cover photograph of the book « La rue des précaires » Soins psychiques et précarité Jean-Pierre Martin (Editions Erès, Paris 2011).
- Museum of Art and Archeology, Aurillac (Auvergne, France). Exhibition « Vous qui passez sans me voir ». October to December, 2010.
- Atrium of Department Center, Aurillac (Auvergne, France). Exhibition « Vous qui passez sans me voir ». June, 2010
- Museum of water, Pont en Royans (Rhône-Alpes, France). Exhibition « Eau en couleur ». Summer 2008.
- Magazine « Le Monde 2 ». January 19th, 2008, n°205.
- La Chamade, Morzine (Rhône-Alpes, France). Exhibition « Eau en couleur ». December, 2007.